职称: 职务: 助理教授、博士生导师(统计与大数据研究院) 邮箱:heshiyuan@ruc.edu.cn2015年毕业于清华大学数学系,2020年毕业于美国佐治亚大学统计系,师从马平教授与钟文瑄教授,获统计学博士学位。目前的主要研究方向有,大数据里的抽样和降维问题,最优传输中的计算问题和理论性质分析,光滑样条,医学影像数据以及三维点云数据处理与分析,以及传统统计和深度学习间的联系等。详见个人主页:https://chengzijunaixiaoli.github.io/.
1.Cheng Meng, Jun Yu, Yongkai Chen, Wenxuan Zhong, Ping Ma. "Smoothing splines approximation using Hilbert curve basis selection", Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2021.
2.Shangpeng Sun, Changying Li, Peng W Chee, Andrew H Paterson, Cheng Meng, Jingyi Zhang, Ping Ma, Jon S Robertson, Jeevan Adhikari. "High resolution 3D terrestrial LiDAR for cotton plant main stalk and node detection"Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2021.
3. Cheng Meng, Rui Xie, Abhyuday Mandal, Xinlian Zhang, Wenxuan Zhong, and Ping Ma.LowCon: A design-based subsampling approach in a misspecifified linear model. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2020.
4.Tao Li, Cheng Meng. "Modern Subsampling Methods for Large-Scale Least Squares Regression." International Journal of Cyber-Physical Systems (IJCPS), 2020.
5. Cheng Meng, Jun Yu, Jingyi Zhang, Ping Ma, and Wenxuan Zhong. "Sufficient dimension reduction for classification using principle optimal transport direction." NeurIPS, 2020.
6. Cheng Meng, Xinlian Zhang, Jingyi Zhang, Wenxuan Zhong, and Ping Ma. "More efficient approximation of smoothing splines via space-filling basis selection." Biometrika, 2020.
7. Cheng Meng, Yuan Ke, Jingyi Zhang, Mengrui Zhang, Wenxuan Zhong, and Ping Ma. "Large-scale optimal transport map estimation using projection pursuit." NeurIPS, 2019.
8. Shangpeng Sun, Changying Li, Andrew Paterson, Jeevan Adhikari, Jon Robertson, and Cheng Meng. "Automated plant node detection using terrestrial LiDAR data under field conditions." In 2019 ASABE Annual International Meeting, p. 1. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2019.
9. Cheng Meng, Ye Wang, Xinlian Zhang, Abhyuday Mandal, Wenxuan Zhong, and Ping Ma. "Effective statistical methods for big data analytics." In Handbook of Research on Applied Cybernetics and Systems Science, pp. 280-299. IGI Global, 2017.
Under review:
1. Cheng Meng, Jingyi Zhang, Mengrui Zhang, Wenxuan Zhong, and Ping Ma. An optimal transport approach for selecting a representative subsample.
2. Cheng Meng, Yuan Ke, Jingyi Zhang, Wenxuan Zhong, and Ping Ma. Towards more accurate estimation of Wasserstein distances using smoothed Monge map.
3. Cheng Meng, Yuan Ke, Jingyi Zhang, Huimin Chen, Yongkai Chen, Wenxuan Zhong, and Ping Ma. Variable selection for high-dimensional optimal transport problems using random permutation. Under review, Biometrika.